miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

JARI Medal and Enterprise Award

It is with great pride that we are announcing the winners of the JARI Award and Medal, sponsored by the Journal Applied Radiation and Isotopes.

On September 23rd 2009, the Editorial Board of Applied Radiation and Isotopes (ARI) awarded the 2009 JARI Medal to Dr. David Bradley in recognition for his outstanding contributions to radiation and isotope applications and instrumentation at the 11th International Symposium on Radiation Physics in Melbourne. The medal is awarded for the most original and/or useful method developed for such applications - whatever the field of application.

JARI Medal awarded to Dr. David Bradley

Winner of the 2009, JARI Medal
Dr. David Bradley, Department of Physics, University of Surrey, U.K.

The JARI Medal and Award for 2009 has been awarded to Dr David Bradley in recognition of his pioneering role in the development of small-angle scattering, coherent imaging and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for medical applications and in-vivo toxicology, and for services to the scientific community through teaching, research supervision and editorship; with a substantial amount of this activity occurring in the developing world.

Dr Bradley is currently Director of the highly successful MSc programme in medical physics at the University of Surrey, as well as managing a substantive PhD programme Having spent much of his career in Malaysia, Dr Bradley lectures, as Visiting Professor at the National University of Malaysia, in the Bahasa Malaysia language. He is involved in national and international committees concerned with standards in post-graduate teaching, including the recently formed, IAEA Experts Steering Group 'Strengthening Medical Physics in ARASIA Member States through Education and Training.'

Dr Bradley is a former Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier journals, Radiation Chemistry and Physics and Applied Radiation and Isotopes, and has had a career-long involvement with the International Radiation Physics Society (IRPS), an organization that focuses on supporting the advancement of science in the developing world.

JARI Enterprise Award awarded to Dr Lawrence T Hudson
The JARI Enterprise Award was awarded to Dr Lawrence T Hudson. This award is presented for "outstanding work in the radiation sciences, the nature of the research being recognized to be of a leading and challenging nature". Nominees for the Enterprise Award were selected by a committee of the winner of the JARI Medal, the Editors of Applied Radiation and Isotopes and the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the ISRP-11.

The prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of USD1500.

Winner of the JARI Enterprise Award 2009:
Dr. Lawrence T. Hudson, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Dr Larry Hudson of NIST is the 2009 winner of the Elsevier Journal, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Enterprise award for outstanding progress and future promise in the area of X-ray diffraction spectroscopy of highly-charged ions and wavelength standardization, as well as service to the scientific and wider community through editorship and outstanding leadership.

Dr. Hudson is a lead researcher in X-ray standards at NIST, including the maintenance of one of the three world mainstays of the realizable definition of the Angstrom, and currently serves as the project leader for the development of national standards for security-screening technologies, particularly for bulk-explosives detection. With career beginnings in X-ray astronomy, Dr Hudson, has been involved in the development of diagnostic tools for researchers around the world working with emergent, laser-produced X-ray light sources. In recognition of his outstanding leadership in implementing radiation sanitization of parcel mail during the 2001 anthrax scare, Dr. Hudson was recently awarded the U.S. Department of Commerce Bronze Medal.

The JARI Medal, first given in 1980 by the Journal Applied Radiation and Isotopes, recognizes a senior scientist who has made outstanding contributions to the field of Radiation Physics.
>> More information on previous winners

Applied Radiation and Isotopes


R.P. Hugtenburg University College of Swansea

B.E. Zimmerman
NIST Gaithersburg, MD, USA

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Elsevier wishes to thank all Applied Raditation and Isotopes Reviewers for their valued contribution and dedication to this journal.

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